Thursday, June 12, 2014

Gift #430- Paragliding

The boys went paragliding a few weeks ago and had such a great time together.  We are so grateful for our fun adventures here in Japan.  Sam had a great time even though he had to wear a girls helmet and even though his brothers continue to make fun of that fact. :0)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Gift #429- Being a Published Author

Macy's Father's Day tribute was published in our base magazine.  She made her daddy very proud.

Gift #428- A Dream Come True

The fact that this little boy is going to be my little boy is just beyond my comprehension.  
A dream come true.

Gift #427- A Quiver Full

Children are God’s best gift 
and are his generous legacy.
Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows
    are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents,
    with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you;
    you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep.
Psalm 127: 3-5 MSG

Gift #426- Always a Smile

At Sam and Macy's class award ceremony yesterday, Macy was given the award for "Kindest Student" and Sam was given the "Always A Smile" award.  I felt more proud of these awards than any of the academic awards that they received.  Keep smiling and being kind to others Sam and Macy.  Those qualities are so very admirable and make your mom and dad very proud.

Gift #425- This Smile....

This smile just undoes me!  He looks so much like his dad!

Gift #424- Friends that feel like Family

We were blessed to be here in Iwakuni with some of our dear friends from Beaufort.  Bruce and Colleen board the Freedom Bird in just a few short days.  They are Virginia bound.  We will miss them much, but are so thankful for the time that we had together.  We will think of them very often as we inherited their pet hamster Manny!  :0)

Gift #423- Contentment

Some day very soon, she will want iPods and video games, but for now, I love that this little girl is content with tupperware and wooden spoons.

Gift #422- The Last Day of School!

We officially have 3rd graders!  We are so proud of you Sam and Macy!  We are proud of Jack and Josh too, they just wouldn't let me take their picture!

Gift #628- Finishing