Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gift #87- Hank's Story Telling

Hank comes from a long line of practical jokers and story tellers.  I did not have the chance to meet Hank's Grandfather before he passed away, but I have heard that this larger-than-life man could tell a story or a joke like no one else.  Hank did not necessarily inherit the joke-telling gene.  He knows that about himself and is ok with it.  He still tries occassionally and this is very endearing to me.  About mid-way through one of Hank's jokes or funny stories I usually begin to laugh.  He realizes that I am not laughing at the joke, but at him telling the joke.  Then he laughs at himself trying to make me laugh.  It is one of our crazy things.  

BUT....  I think that he did inherit the story-telling gene.  Just mention the subject of flying and you will see what I mean!  Hank can tell some flying stories.  He becomes so animated.  He uses his hands to illustrate his story.  He makes all manner of jet engine noises.  He turns into a big kid! You can tell that he is passionate about his craft.  He gets particularly excited when the story involves some kind of danger or near-death experience.  He usually doesn't tell me these types of stories.  He saves them for dinner guests and I hear them over dessert.  Sometimes I smile at him sweetly and kick him under the table.  Other times, I pretend like I have heard it a hundred times and just keep pouring the coffee.    I am not sure which is a bigger blessing, Hank's endearing inability to tell a joke or his super ability to tell a great flying story.  I like them both.  I am sure that his Grandpa would be very proud to hear one of his tales.  My friend Jen took these pictures of Hank when he was visiting in Beaufort last summer.  I stumbled across them today and they made me smile.  

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite families I will ever meet. Wish we were closer! Miss you guys as if you were family. Going to go check Expedia for plane tickets to Japan right now! Josh wears his "old man shirt" everywhere. Smiles and prayers! Sarah, Josh, Birdie & Tucker


Gift #628- Finishing