Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Gift #388- Christmas Morning

I think that this might be my favorite time of the day on Christmas.  I love to wake up, pour some coffee and think on the reason that we are celebrating.  I always read The Story even though I could quote it line for line.  But there is always something new that reveals itself or speaks to me.  God is so amazing like that- the way He unpacks truths little by little or just when you need them the most.  I love the anticipation of this moment.  I love thinking about the kids excitement as they see what Santa brought.  I wish that it could last and last.

But I also love this moment...

When it is all said and done and the kids are out playing with their new toys and the wait is over.  This was the part of the day when my dad would pull out the rake and rake the living room floor clean.  I never really understood that until I became a parent!  Genius!  This year we made things easy on ourselves and went out to dinner.  We went to Jan Jaka's, a Korean style BBQ restaurant.  We had a great time together.  Another wonderful Christmas for the Thomas family.

1 comment:

  1. Miss you all so much!! Derek recently accused me of being an electronic media hoarder bc he discovered that I do not empty my email inbox or sent emails, oops and I also have a hard time deleting favorite tv shows from the DVR...anyhow, I am SO GLAD that I did not delete the email you sent with this link to your blog. This is just what I needed to feel connected to you guys. I miss you all so much and hope that there will be a day again where our paths cross and we can celebrate all the birthdays and holidays together. Please email me if you get a free moment dk_snell@hotmail.com The children are growing too fast and I can't believe we have TEENAGE BOYS!! So much love-Katie


Gift #628- Finishing